Lecturer in the Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies., Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

Bachelor of Education and M.A (History), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PhD (History) University Of Goettingen, Germany.


Survey of World History to ca.1500, Capitalism and Imperialism in World History, Themes in African History, History of Tanzania, History of East Africa, Historiography of Africa and History of Labour in Sub Saharan Africa.


Agriculture, Women Farmers, Women Entrepreneurs, Agricultural Education, Colonial Agriculture, Gender and Slavery, Women Empowerment, the  Upbringing of Children, State and Society Relations in Tanzania, Youth Behaviour and Diversities and Gender Research Methods.



2021 – 2024: The Aftermath of Slavery in East Africa: Project titled “The Influence of Formerly Enslaved Women Farmers on Socioeconomic Dynamics in Colonial Uyao and northern Mozambique”. Sponsored by the European Research Council under the coordination of Prof  Felicitas Becker of the University Gent, Belgium


2020-2021: University of Dar es Salaam Competitive Research Fund (with Dr Severine Kessy and Ms Hija Urassa): titled “Socioeconomic Changes on Women Entrepreneurs Movements in Tanzania during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Makete District


2019 – 2021: Competitive research fund from the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA): Meaning Making Research Initiatives (MRI). (Together with Drs Angelus Mnenuka and Samuel Mhajida) Research projects awarded titled

  1. Is Clearing Land for Women a Curse or Fertility? The Contribution of Migrant Labour in Empowering Women in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania”
  2. Performing Masculinities: The Assumption of Men’s Roles by Women as Instigated by Male Labour Migration in Tanzania


2018 – 2019: University of Dar es Salaam Competitive Research Fund: (A grant for writing Two Papers:

  1. The Knowledge was not Meant for Women”, the Role of Early Agricultural Educational Institutions in Shaping Occupations of Women Farmers in Tanzania from 1900 to 1960s
  2.  The Emerging Women Farmers into Local Health Care and Healing: Colonial Administration and the Dynamics of Gender Authority in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1930-1960


Kinunda, N. 2017. Negotiating Women’s Labour: Women Farmers, Society, and State in the Southern Highland of Tanzania, 1885 to 2000.

Kinunda, N. 2005. Initiation of Younger People into Adult hood. In Moland, K. M, Songs tad, NG, and Blystad, A. Gender Generation and Communication in Times of AIDS: The Potential of Modern ‘and ‘Tradition’. GEGCA NUFU Publication, Vol. 10, Bergen, CI